Saturday, September 24, 2011


 Rishikesh, the "yoga capital of the India" and the place where the Beatles were supposedly inspired for their White Album, is a hub of tourists and Hinduism. From the saffron robes of the mystics to the westerners hanging out in their best hippy attire,  it is both an excellent place for people watching, and spending copious sums of time drinking really excellent coffee and brown bread from a cafe overlooking the Ganges. There really is something amazing and I hazard to say it, spiritual, about the Ganges. Maybe it's the mass of water moving through the green Himalayan hills coupled with the fabled sanctity of the place but I am so glad to have spent some time here. Even if I did miss the Yoga memo.

A quick shout out to Claire, who will be spending her spring semester here, it is absolutely beautiful. I have a few very excellent and cheap restaurants for you so let's skype soon!

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