Thursday, August 4, 2011


Time for a confession: As utterly excited as I have been with my heavily liberal arts education thus far, the one nagging part of my 15 years spent in academics  has been my complete lack of a "skill". 
And with that, I present to you the Gourmet Dining Services + Seton Hall University Organic Garden. The anecdote to my skilless restlessness and a stellar excuse to spend hours playing in the dirt. 

My gardening days are just beginning. There is something very empowering about knowing exactly where your food was coming from, of eating the very lettuce you had planted and the basil you picked. Not to mention as a food lover, nothing really beats fresh basil pesto or kale in well, everything.

One final note, companion root systems are just brilliant, to sum it up quickly, certain roots of plants work better together than others therefore planting say basil and tomato plants next to each other creates a system of roots which help each other to grow in terms of the amount of water and nutrients used. And lemme just tell you, we currently have bushes for tomato vines and even more basil than a pesto lover herself knows what to do with. Moral of the story, it works, and our harvests are proof. Check out a companion chart from awesome Seeds of Change here: 

and now, the beauty of the garden through the lens of my phone: 

the purple tomatoes are perfection

yum, vegetables

the garden circa mid-june

Alright, that is all. Moral of the story. Let's all just grow our own food, or maybe just hire me to do it for you. 

Read anything good about gardening, dirt, or plants lately? Share the love, tell me about it! 


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